When i say that Dead Island: Riptide has the exact same game play as the first Dead Island, i mean the EXACT same.

However, if you hated the first dead island, stay well away from this title. If you loved the first dead island, this game will offer the same zombie slaying fun that the last game had. If you loved the first dead island, this game will Dead Island: Riptide offers almost the exact same experience as the previous Dead Island. Performance is worst on the PS3 and best on the PC, but no version is unplayable or perfect.Dead Island: Riptide offers almost the exact same experience as the previous Dead Island. Textures pop in, screen tearing persists, and missing frames aren’t uncommon. One failure that can’t be ignored is that the world still doesn’t look that hot. It’s through these successes that the impact of Dead Island Riptide’s failures is lessened. When I was playing co-op with my roommate, I didn’t care that we were talking over a random questgiver’s monologue that person’s story didn’t matter, but our plan for getting an engine back as quickly as possible certainly did. This is why you play this game: it’s great gory fun. In the same vein, Dead Zones are cool monster dungeons packing named bosses I’m still scouring the island and clearing those. There are new zombies such as the screamer (her yell freezes you in place) and the drowner (he plays possum in the water) that make you change up how you tackle similar undead situations. Riptide is a smorgasbord of content, and even now, with more than 20 hours played and the completely flat and goofy boss-fight ending behind me, I’m still playing because hacking off limbs and leveling up is so satisfying. Picking up where the original game left off, our group of four survivors meet the new guy and are immediately shipwrecked on a new island overrun with zombies. Meanwhile, the story is an afterthought (now officially a Dead Island tradition), supported with shoddy cutscenes that bring little motivation and a few laughs at the inconsistent voice acting, which runs the gamut from excellent all the way to terrible. The “DING” of hitting that next level is a hypnotic device – a Pavlovian trigger – that had me popping open my skill tree and hemming and hawing over whether I wanted more bleeding damage or more inventory slots. Loot the island, upgrade machetes from flimsy metal to powerful electrified killing machines, and level up your character with a seemingly endless supply of experience points. That’s not a terrible thing, because for my money Dead Island – and by extension Riptide – nails what a zombie RPG should be. Dead Island Riptide Definitive Edition Free Download Repacklab